nomorefrostbite wrote in dailyheyerdahl Sep 22, 2013 17:20
brb: i wish i was her, chris: goofball time, type: oh hey a gif, brb: i'll be in my bunk, chris: .....tags escape me, chris: finger porn, chris: has hair, brb: partying, poster: nomorefrostbite, brb: being a genius, chris: makes a fail win, chris: wins at life, event: breaking dawn premier, brb: stark raving mad, brb: *dead*
nomorefrostbite wrote in dailyheyerdahl Mar 09, 2012 17:27
chris: walk-walk fashion baby, type: photograph, twilight: wtf, chris: .....tags escape me, brb: crying, chris: has hair, costume: erm what the hell???, poster: nomorefrostbite, chris: makes a fail win, event: breaking dawn premier, twilight: did it for his family, chris: what a beautiful smile
nomorefrostbite wrote in dailyheyerdahl Jan 29, 2012 18:25
type: photograph, chris: i've seen him before, chris: suited & booted, costume: own clothes time, twilight: wtf, chris: .....tags escape me, brb: crying, costume: erm what the hell???, poster: nomorefrostbite, chris: makes a fail win, event: breaking dawn premier, chris: i spy his tongue, brb: stark raving mad, twilight: did it for his family, brb: *dead*
nomorefrostbite wrote in dailyheyerdahl Dec 12, 2011 21:12
type: photograph, chris: i've seen him before, poster: nomorefrostbite, event: breaking dawn premier, twilight: did it for his family, chris: finger porn, chris: has hair